
What is Handler

Handler is the specific object responsible for processing Request requests. Handler itself is a Trait, which contains an asynchronous method of handle:

pub trait Handler: Send + Sync + 'static {
    async fn handle(&self, req: &mut Request, depot: &mut Depot, res: &mut Response);

The default signature of the handle function contains four parameters, in order, &mut Request, &mut Depot. &mut Response, &mut FlowCtrl. Depot is a temporary storage that can store data related to this request.

Middleware is actually also a Handler. They can do some processing before or after the request reaches the Handler that officially handles the request, such as: login verification, data compression, etc.

Middleware is added through the hoop function of Router. The added middleware will affect the current Router and all its internal descendants Router.

Handler as middleware

When Handler is used as middleware, it can be added to the following three types of objects that support middleware:

  • Service, any request will pass through middlewares in Service.

  • Router, only when the route matching is successful, the request will pass through middlewares defined in Service and all middlewares collected on the matching path.

  • Catcher, when an error occurs and no custom error information is written, the request will pass through the middleware in Catcher.

Macro #[handler]

#[handler] can greatly simplify the writing of the code, and improve the flexibility of the code.

It can be added to a function to make it implement Handler:

async fn hello() -> &'static str {
    "hello world!"

This is equivalent to:

struct hello;

impl Handler for hello {
    async fn handle(&self, _req: &mut Request, _depot: &mut Depot, res: &mut Response, _ctrl: &mut FlowCtrl) {
        res.render(Text::Plain("hello world!"));

As you can see, in the case of using #[handler], the code becomes much simpler:

  • No need to manually add #[async_trait].
  • The parameters that are not needed in the function have been omitted, and the required parameters can be arranged in any order.
  • For objects that implement Writer or Scribe abstraction, it can be directly used as the return value of the function. Here &'static str implements Scribe, so it can be returned directly as the return value of the function.

#[handler] can not only be added to the function, but also can be added to the impl of struct to let struct implement Handler. At this time, the handle function in the impl code block will be Identified as the specific implementation of handle in Handler:

struct Hello;

impl Hello {
    async fn handle(&self, res: &mut Response) {
        res.render(Text::Plain("hello world!"));

Handle errors

Handler in Salvo can return Result, only the types of Ok and Err in Result are implemented Writer trait. Taking into account the widespread use of anyhow, the Writer implementation of anyhow::Error is provided by default, and anyhow::Error is Mapped to InternalServerError.

#[cfg(feature = "anyhow")]
impl Writer for ::anyhow::Error {
    async fn write(mut self, _req: &mut Request, _depot: &mut Depot, res: &mut Response) {

For custom error types, you can output different error pages according to your needs.

use salvo::anyhow;
use salvo::prelude::*;

struct CustomError;
impl Writer for CustomError {
    async fn write(mut self, _req: &mut Request, _depot: &mut Depot, res: &mut Response) {
        res.render("custom error");

async fn handle_anyhow() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
    Err(anyhow::anyhow!("anyhow error"))
async fn handle_custom() -> Result<(), CustomError> {

async fn main() {
    let router = Router::new()
    let acceptor = TcpListener::new("").bind().await;

Implement Handler trait directly

Under certain circumstances, We need to implment Handler direclty.

use salvo_core::prelude::*;
use crate::salvo_core::http::Body;

pub struct MaxSizeHandler(u64);
impl Handler for MaxSizeHandler {
    async fn handle(&self, req: &mut Request, depot: &mut Depot, res: &mut Response, ctrl: &mut FlowCtrl) {
        if let Some(upper) = req.body().size_hint().upper() {
            if upper > self.0 {
            } else {
                ctrl.call_next(req, depot, res).await;